Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Ihwal Listening, Speaking, Reading, Dan Writing

Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Listening, Speaking, Reading, dan Writing – Ingin mengajukan judul skripsi tetapi bingung judul apa yang harus diambil. Jangan cemas, berikut ini ada banyak referensi mengenai judul skripsi dalam bahasa Inggris bertemakan pendidikan.

Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Listening

  1. Improving Students Listening Skill through Interactive Multimedia

  2. Improving Students’ Listening Skill through Video at Second Grade of SMAN 3 Metro

  3. The Correlation between Listening and Speaking Abilities at Frist Grade of SMAN 34 Bandar Lampung

  4. The Effectiveness of Visual Aid in Improving Students’ Listening Ability

  5. The Correlation between Junior High School Students’ Listening Skill and Their Speaking Skill

  6. The Use of Video Recorder in Teaching Listening to Improve Students’ Listening Ability

  7. The Effectiveness of Song in teaching Listening to improve Students’ Listening Comprehension

  8. The Comparison between Successful and Unsuccessful Students in the Use of Listening Strategies towards Their Listening Ability

  9. The Relationship between Language Learning Strategies and Students’ Thinking Styles

  10. The Relationship between Listening Strategies Used by Senior High School Students and Their Listening Achievement

  11. A Comparative Study between Those Who Taught through Video and Those Who Taught Through Song towards Students’ Listening Achievement

  12. The Correlation between Students’ Listening Strategies and Their Listening Ability

  13. The Relationship between Vocabulary Mastery and Listening Ability at Third Years Students of Sekolah Menengah Pertama 22 Bandar Lampung

  14. Developing Students’ Listening Ability through Someone Says Game

  15. The Correlation between Students’ Grammar Ability and Students’ Listening Ability

  16. The Difference between Genders in the Use of Listening Strategy towards Students’ Listening Ability

  17. The Influence of Students’ Attitude to the English Subject towards Their Achievement in Listening Ability

  18. The Effect of Metacognitive Learning Strategy towards Students’ Achievement in Listening Comprehension

  19. The Use of Top down Processing Strategy in Improving Students Listening Comprehension

  20. Developing Students Listening Comprehension Ability through the Application of JIGSAW Techniques

  21. Developing Students’ Listening Comprehension through Total Physical Response (TPR) in Teaching Listening


Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Reading

  1. The Use of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Narrative Text to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension

  2. The Use of Schema Activation Strategy to Increase students’ reading comprehension

  3. Developing Students’ Reading Comprehension through Jigsaw

  4. The Use of Directed Reading Activity Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension at the second year students of Sekolah Menengan Atas Bakti Mulia

  5. The Use of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Narrative Text to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension

  6. The Use of Authentic Materials for Extensive Reading to Promote Students’ English Proficiency

  7. The Use of Extensive Reading to Improve Students’ Vocabulary in Reading Comprehension

  8. The Effectiveness of Web Quest Method in Teaching Reading at First Students of SMPN 87 Bandar Lampung

  9. The Effectiveness of Students’ Group to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension

  10. The Effectiveness of Previewing in Pre-Reading Activity to Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension

  11. The Effectiveness of Directed Activities Redacted To Text (DADT) Method in Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension

  12. The Effectiveness of Teaching Reference Words towards Students’ reading Comprehension

  13. The Effectiveness of Using Guided Reading Method to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension at EFL Learner

  14. The Importance of Metacognitive Reading Strategy Awareness in Students’ Reading Comprehension

  15. The Importance of Metacognitive Reading Strategy Awareness in Reading Comprehension

  16. The Impact of Teaching Critical Thinking Skills on Reading Comprehension of Indonesian EFL Learners

  17. A Comparative Study between Students Who Taught through Predictive Reading Technique and Those Who Taught through Phrase

  18. Reading Technique towards Their Reading Comprehension Achievement

  19. A Comparative Study between Multiple Choice and Cloze Test towards Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement

  20. The Comparison of Students with Different Learning Style and Their Achievement in Reading Comprehension

  21. The Comparison between Extensive Reading and Intensive Reading in Teaching Reading towards Students’ Reading Achievement

  22. The Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension

  23. The Correlative study between Students’ Translation Ability with Students’ Reading Comprehension

  24. The Relationship between Students’ Reading Strategy and Their Reading Comprehension

  25. The Comparison between Reading Only vs. Reading plus Enhancement Activities towards Students’ Reading comprehension

  26. A Comparative Study between Authentic and Modified Advertisement on the Students’ Reading Comprehension

  27. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through SQ3R Technique

  28. Developing Students’ Reading Comprehension through Question-Generation Strategy

  29. The Influence of Metacognitive Strategy Use towards Students’ Academic Reading Achievement

Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Speaking

  1. Improving Speaking by Listening Cultivating English Thinking and Expression Improving Speaking

  2. Developing Students’ Speaking Ability through Collaborative Learning

  3. The Use of Series Pictures in Teaching Spoken Procedure Text to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability

  4. The Effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach in Developing Students’ Speaking Ability

  5. The Use of Interactive learning Media in Teaching Speaking to Young Learner

  6. A comparative Study between Field Dependence-Independence Learning Strategy and Their Speaking Ability

  7. Developing Students’ Speaking ability Through Small Group Work (Role Play and Information Gap)

  8. The correlation between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Students’ Speaking Ability

  9. The Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Students’ Speaking Ability

  10. Developing Students’ Speaking Ability through Informal Drama Technique

  11. The Effect of Task-Based Learning Technique and Learning Styles on the Speaking Achievement at the First Grade of SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung

  12. The Use of Teaching Strategic Competence on Speaking Performance

  13. The Use of Speaking Learning Strategies by Senior High School Learners in Relation to Gender

  14. An Analysis of Students’ Perceived Communication Strategies in Relation to Level of Speaking Ability at First Year of SMAN 12 Bandar Lampung

  15. The Use of Information Gap Tasks in Speaking Class to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability

  16. Developing Students’ Speaking Ability through Pattern Drill Technique

  17. Improving Students’ Pronunciation, word depresi and Intonation in Speaking through Role play Technique

  18. Developing Students’ Speaking Skill through Total Physical Response (TPR) Method

  19. The Use of Role Play Technique in Improving Students’ Speaking Ability in Teaching Speaking at The First grade of SMAN 19 Bandar Lampung

  20. The Influence of Self-Assessment Techniques in Improving Students English Speaking Ability

  21. Developing Students’ Speaking Ability through Self Talk Strategy

  22. The Use of Audio Visual Aid in Teaching Speaking

  23. The Use of Task-Based Language Teaching in Developing Students’ Speaking Ability

Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Writing

  1. The difference between Genders in The Use of Learning Strategy towards Students’ Writing Ability

  2. Developing Students Essay Writing through Work Group in Teaching Writing

  3. The Influence of Writing Strategy Used by Students towards Their Writing Ability

  4. Developing Narrative Paragraph Writing Ability through Pictures Sequences Technique

  5. Improving Student’s Procedure Paragraph Ability through Authentic Material

  6. Improving Students’ Descriptive Text Writing through Contextual Teaching and Learning

  7. The Correlation between Students’ Structure Mastery and Their Descriptive Writing Ability

  8. The Effect of Collaborative Writing on Students’ Learners Writing Ability at Elementary Level

  9. The Effect of Dictogloss Technique on Learners’ Writing Improvement in Terms of Writing Coherent Texts

  10. The Effect of Using the Story- Mapping Technique on Developing Tenth Grade Students’ Short Story Writing Skills

  11. The Effectiveness of Dictogloss in Developing Students’ Writing Ability

  12. The Effectiveness of the Lexical Approach to Improving Students’ Writing Ability

  13. Developing Students’ Writing Ability through Collaborative Writing

  14. Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Argumentative Text through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

  15. Developing Students’ Paragraph Writing through Picture Composition

  16. The Implementation of Peer Reviewing in Teaching Writing

  17. The Use of Mind Mapping in Improving Student Witting Ability

  18. The Effectiveness of Proses-Genre Approach in Teaching Writing

  19. Improving Students Ability in Writing Descriptive text through Contextual teaching and learning Approach


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